Tax Consultancy

The firm covers all the tributary accounting phases.

- presence for the client during the financial administration checks in order to guarantee an adequate technical support
- procedural steps (investigations, appeals, request of self protection)
- assistance in the jurisdictional phase, with appeals predisposition, court settlements and appeals discussion in public hearing
- consulting on any criminal tax issue

- National and international taxation
- Fiscal declaration
- Tax planning
- Opinions and tax assessments
- Tax litigations


Firm news



The new studio website is online

We are online with a new website: trasparency, constant updating and experience are the values that move our website like our studio. Good surfing!




Semplificazioni contabili: proroga al 20 dicembre per la consegna dei questionari

L'Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (OIC)



Dalla flat tax al taglio orizzontale delle detrazioni: che delusione!

Dal disegno di legge di Bilancio 2025 che